The stage was set, spotlights were on and thousands of crowds were
waiting for me and Brenna, my dearest best friend. Everyone’s shrieking our
names, admiring us for being good performers. The applause and praises coming
from our fans, brings us the happiest moment in our lives. Out of that moment I
heard someone’s calling my name, “Via! Via! Wake up, breakfast is ready”, that
was my father. Just like the other days, that was just a dream, I'm always dreaming of
that repeatedly, performing to the crowds with my best friend, a real life
dream from the past—and I remember Brenna.
It's been five years ago when Brenna left us. She was just about
the craziest best friend a girl ever had. Of course, she wasn't a crazy like
Albert Einstein tried to kill himself just to find out where he belongs, heaven
or hell. I met Brenna during my college days. She’s a cool girl with an
exceptional talent, good singer and a dancer as well. She’s also beautiful and
I admire her for being a strong lady. She’s my idol and I always tell to her
that I am the luckiest person allowing God to be herr best of friend.
Brenna is only with her brother, their parents already died when she
was young. Something’s different to Brenna was she has a “dull face”, where you
will never predict what she’s thinking. The expression of her face is the same
either she’s smiling or a kind of irritating. I never saw her crying, quite
arrogant but she never leaves me. That was just my perception anyway.
One morning, we met each other at school, we eat together, hang out
together, and we always do that as if we’re real sister. God knows how I value
Brenna; I always wanted to dream that someday Brenna and I will perform
together on stage in front of millions of people who idolize us. For that I
asked her to join the competition with me but she refuse to accept my request.
“Why should I join to that stupid competition, though I surely know that I will be the one to become a winner so why should I?” arrogantly said. I already expected that act of her but I still convinced her.
“Please let us be part of this competition, I want to perform on stage with you don’t you remember? That was my dream.” I pleasingly said. What I have said was nothing to her, as usual her face was dull, and couldn’t even know what she’s thinking.
“If we win the prize will be yours”, I added. I know Brenna is better than any other people; she’s quite fond of money but not in fame. Gold digger in other term but for me she’s just a practical one because of the struggle she and her brother had encountered. I understand her because I love her and she’s my sister. After she heard about the prize, unsurprisingly she accepted my offer. We joined the “The Search Performing Artist” that was an individual competition but everyone was aloud sing and dance by group whether it is duet or solo. On the first day of screening, Brenna and I sing together a solemnize song titled “First love” We’re both good but she’s better than me.
“Why should I join to that stupid competition, though I surely know that I will be the one to become a winner so why should I?” arrogantly said. I already expected that act of her but I still convinced her.
“Please let us be part of this competition, I want to perform on stage with you don’t you remember? That was my dream.” I pleasingly said. What I have said was nothing to her, as usual her face was dull, and couldn’t even know what she’s thinking.
“If we win the prize will be yours”, I added. I know Brenna is better than any other people; she’s quite fond of money but not in fame. Gold digger in other term but for me she’s just a practical one because of the struggle she and her brother had encountered. I understand her because I love her and she’s my sister. After she heard about the prize, unsurprisingly she accepted my offer. We joined the “The Search Performing Artist” that was an individual competition but everyone was aloud sing and dance by group whether it is duet or solo. On the first day of screening, Brenna and I sing together a solemnize song titled “First love” We’re both good but she’s better than me.
Right after the song we sang, the judge announced the result.
“You're both have the good voice, and we cannot deny that fact because you are in this completion”, the mentor said. That praise makes me smile but felt nervous. I looked Brenna but she’s very serious us usual she had no reaction.
“Only one will passed to the next elimination”, mentor hurriedly said. That made feel sad, right after that information I already predict that Brenna will be the one to choose, and my dream to perform with her could now be impossible. Surprisingly, out of nowhere I saw Brenna smiled after the mentor speaks.
“Why is she smiling?” I whispered to myself.
“Ms. Via, congratulations, you passed the screening, sorry Ms. Brenna!”
“What?” Brenna shouted. We’re both shocked.
“I sang it well, we all know that! You said we’re both have a good voice, why did you pass only one of us? Why is it Via only?” she complained.
The mentor stands with an irritating face and said, “Ms. Via sang with emotion unlike what you have sang, a bit boring!”
“You're both have the good voice, and we cannot deny that fact because you are in this completion”, the mentor said. That praise makes me smile but felt nervous. I looked Brenna but she’s very serious us usual she had no reaction.
“Only one will passed to the next elimination”, mentor hurriedly said. That made feel sad, right after that information I already predict that Brenna will be the one to choose, and my dream to perform with her could now be impossible. Surprisingly, out of nowhere I saw Brenna smiled after the mentor speaks.
“Why is she smiling?” I whispered to myself.
“Ms. Via, congratulations, you passed the screening, sorry Ms. Brenna!”
“What?” Brenna shouted. We’re both shocked.
“I sang it well, we all know that! You said we’re both have a good voice, why did you pass only one of us? Why is it Via only?” she complained.
The mentor stands with an irritating face and said, “Ms. Via sang with emotion unlike what you have sang, a bit boring!”
“Is that all you have? I thought this is a sing and dance
competition? Is the emotion matters? Tell me sir, is this an acting
competition?” insultingly said.
“Could you mind sir, I would like give my slot to my best friend
Brenna” I offered.
“Stop!” she demanded. “We
both know that I am better than you Via!”…. “Don’t act as if you feel mercy on
me”. Looking deeply to the mentor Brenna begun to speak hard, “how come you
would choose Via? I am better than her! She was just an amateur one! In fact
she’s just my assistant, no one but a slave, my slave!”
“How could you said that Brenna. We’re best friend??” I cried.
“Shut up! I never said you’re my best friend!!” she shouted.
“What you have said was an act of being unprofessional” mentor
insultingly said. “You will never have the fame because you have the highest
pride!!” “Is that so? What do want me to do? Kneel in front of all of you? What
a shamed!” she asked
“You must!” mentor commanded. What we have heard was so painful in
part of Brenna, but her face was in tiger, seemingly there’s a tears wants to
escape out of her eyes and she trying to hide that looking sharply to the
mentor as if she wouldn’t do that anyway. Silence is in air. Brenna’s brain
seemed to have suffered a similar paralysis. Suddenly she walked out to the
screening place with a strange face. I left alone in front of the stage. I want
to speak but the words stuck somewhere in my throat. From the outside, Brenna
begun to cry, she don’t want other people to see her crying that’s why she
walked out. That was the first time she cried. Just a minute, she wipes her
tears with a piece of tissue coming from her pink dress’s pocket. She brings
back the dull face of her and hurriedly goes back to the stage. She stop from a
far and slowly walking toward beside me, looked at me deeply and kneeled down
in front of the mentor. “This is what you commanded sir, I’m so sorry sir,
please give a chance” said Brenna without any emotion. The mentor was amazed of
what Brenna did so they give her chance to proceed to the next elimination. She
stands firmly and looked at me again deeply. She was no longer having the
interest to continue to next elimination. She was just tried to regain herself
from deep sarcasm. That face of her made me sick; I know that she’s mad at me
because I beat her. A gut impression coming from her face made me thinks that my
best friend was now turned to a dangerous one. Once again she left me alone.
When I was at home, I almost remembered what she have told to me,
that she never find me as her best friend but just an assistant of her. And the
most painful was she told me that I am just her slave. For that, quite hatred
was build in my heart. I have come to realized that she treated me like a fool.
One day at school, Brenna was on my way and I don’t even know what
to do. That competition made me realized that she’s not a kind of best fried
belongs to me, so every time I saw her I keep on hiding.
Without Brenna knows, the competition we have joined was my
father’s project. That competition was my request to my dad because I want
Brenna to win but I didn’t expect that the judge would play it well. My father
owned an artist production where all singers and dancers started. I love Brenna
so much that I could do all things just to help her but that was contradicted
to what she did to me. And I thank her for that because that competition
revealed the real character of her.
It is like breaking news spread all over the campus. What I have
done was revealed to Brenna “that pride, whose slave I was, spoke to me louder
than any other voice.” Brenna screamed at the rooftop of the campus. “I
betrayed Via! I betrayed my best friend!” she shouted repeatedly. She cried and
cried as if she was like a young kid being left by her mother. “Via did it all
because she love me, admires me, idolize me but what did I do? I neglected her!
How selfish I am! How cruel I am!” Brenna continues crying while I was watching
her from a far. That was the first time I saw her crying, not just crying but
screaming, asking for forgiveness for what she have done to me. The girl that I
have known whose with the dull face without any emotion was quite different to
Brenna that time. She’s in pain; her face was so sad and has guilt. By the time
her in that situation, I have already forgive her. I do love her to mad to be
mad at her for so long.
Within a few weeks, I always staring at her secretly, as if I’m her
secret admirer, quite funny but that’s true. I want to talk to her but I’m
afraid. After a month I haven’t seen her and it takes added a week, but still I
did not saw Brenna anymore. I went to their house but they were not around.
According to their neighbor it’s been a month since they left their house
together Brenna and her brother. “They were in their Auntie in province. They
decided to go there as her Auntie requested.” neighbor said.
By the time Brenna knows everything about what I done to her, she
started to lose her self confidence. She never sing and dance again, she don’t
even wants to hear any music around because that reminds her of how cruel she
was, betraying her best friend. She used her time by helping her Auntie in
their bake shop at the province.
One day, Danielle buys some bread to her Auntie’s bake shop. Brenna
and her brother were in that place for almost a month but that was the first
time she saw Danielle. He was the sort of man world attract to stares. Brenna
was curious about him because they have the same personality and she was aware
of that. Danielle was quite arrogant. “If you care to tell me what is your name
I would be happy to visit here at your shop every day.” Danielle arrogantly
said. There was something electric about that smile that every ladies pulse
begins to race but not with Brenna. “If you want to buy please just point it”
Brenna said pointing to sort of cup cakes filled with colorful sprinkles at the
top. He had long fingers and strong arms sprinkled with dark hair. Brenna smiled with herself thinking that no
hunk guy could ever like cupcakes with those colorful toppings, which were just
for a kid. “Why are you smiling?” he
said. “No I’m not” she denied. “But I saw you?” he laughs. “I was just happy
seeing a pure man buying cup cakes which is just for little kid.” she
explained. Danielle laughs out loud. “Why are you laughing that hard”” she
asked. “These cupcakes are for the kids out there, do you see?” pointing those
street kids playing with a dirty shirts and hands. Brenna amazed to Danielle.
He’s arrogant but has a pure heart. “You’re like my best friend” she whispered.
“Who’s your best friend?” he asked. “Never mind, by the way I’m Brenna.” she
said. “I know you already, I’m Danielle.” Danielle said. “They will be happy if
cup cakes ware many, get this up.” Smiled and gave another ten cupcakes and
Danielle left Brenna.
The next day Brenna saw again the guy she met yesterday. Walking
with a smile towards her “Are you going to buy cup cakes again for the street
kids?” she asked.
“No actually I just want to talk with you.” he said. Danielle is a
nice guy and it seems like he never have the attention to disrespect Brenna.
Brenna accepted his request. She had talked for the past hour more than she
ever had with anyone in her entire life even with me. She easily gets closed to
Danielle and she treated him as a friend. Danielle drew conversation out of
her, made her feel at ease. She shared her story to Danielle even what she and
I have faced. And so Danielle shared his story to Brenna. Danielle has had a
broken family; her mother was in states while his father was with his second
wife. Danielle was care off by his grandmother.
“I always wanted to become a
singer.” he said with quite sad in his face.
“Why should you try Danielle?” unconsciously she said.
“You said you joined to a competition with your best friend right?”
Danielle asked.
“Yes, that’s true, but we lose.”
“Why don’t you teach me? I’m not that good but if you will practice
me, hopefully I will be near to my dream.” he requested.
“I already forgot how to sing and dance. I don’t want to do that
anymore.” she said.
“Music is my life.” Danielle said while looking from nowhere.
Danielle was frighteningly intelligent self confident and witty. Those words of
Danielle made her convinced to teach him. “Could you please sing me a song?”
she requested. Danielle sings a song “Four seasons of loneliness”. That song
was so sad but Brenna laugh insultingly. Danielle has the potentials but how he
had song that time was quite bad. She doesn't mind Brenna’s insulting laugh and
just laugh also after he finished his song.
That cold breeze afternoon, “I want to see Via. I want to sing with
her, say sorry for what I have done to her.” She said seriously. “Don’t worry I
will help you Brenna. For now let’s eat some foods, I’m already hungry.”
Danielle joked and Brenna just smiled with a tender emotion.
One morning, Danielle hurriedly runs fast towards the house of
Brenna. “Brenna! Brenna!” shouted repeatedly.
I have something for you!” Danielle gave a magazine.
“Read this part”, pointed one part of magazine.
“Sing and dance competition?”
“Yes, let’s join Brenna! That was in Manila” he insisted.
“I would but what if we lose?” contrary said.
“Is that matter? Don’t mind it. It’s not about win or loses, it’s
for Via. Your best friend will surely join. This is your chance. You said you
want to see her, sing with her, say sorry for what you did to her isn't it?
Danielle asked.
“Yes that’s what I want.” Brenna felt her heart begin to pond
“Let’s take this chance Brenna, in fact I also want to be in fame.”
he pleased. Brenna has nothing to do but to accept his invitation.
Every afternoon Brenna and Danielle practice their piece. One time
while practicing, Brenna seems so tired and sick but they just ignored it and
continue singing. At that moment Brenna fell down and Danielle tried to put her
up. Brenna already noticed that she always felt headaches when she was tired.
For that she decided to consult into a doctor secretly. She found out that she
has leukemia. She decided not to tell anyone about her condition.
After one week of preparation the date where the competition was
being set. They got to the location so early. Danielle was practicing his song
while Brenna just sits at side of the side of the back stage waiting for her
turn. From a distance, Brenna saw a girl walked slow but elegant, the gait of
someone who expected the world to lake way for her. “Is that Via now?” asked
Brenna to herself shockingly. “Yes she was.” She also said. She hurriedly hides
herself and just watches Via from a far. “She looks more beautiful compare to
the last time I saw her.” she added.
“Miss Via, you’re next” said the organizer. “Thank you sir, I’m
ready” I said. I sang the song “Say it
again” everyone was amazed and clapped their hands after I sang. Brenna
couldn’t expect that I was like a professional performer. Hundreds of talent
joined to that competition and perform individually until Brenna was turned.
She sang the song “Apologized” with her solemnized version. I feel empty when I
heard her, it seems like that song was dedicated to me. That was a great song;
I cannot deny that’s really a great singer.
Brenna had finished. At the back stage, I saw her waiting for
someone and she saw me too.
I walked slowly towards her. “Are you waiting for someone?” I
“Via” she said.
“How are you Brenna?” I asked naughty.
“Via, I’m sorry.” She
“Sorry for what?”
“You know what I mean, I feel so guilty, I’m sorry.”
“Does it make different? Damage has been done. I already forgave
you. In fact, you’ve no longer my best friend anymore so what the used?” I said
arrogantly. She just stared at me with her pleasing eyes. “Nice to see you
again, Brenna. Good luck, bye!” I said. It was so hard to pretend that still
mad at her. Honestly I missed her and I’m so happy to see her again. I’m about
to leave when she fell down. “Brenna! Brenna!” I shouted. I was so shocked and
hurriedly I drive her to the hospital. I can’t stand watching her at that
situation so I decided to call for her brother which I found the contact number
in his pocket and I leave her.
Brenna’s brother together with Danielle arrived to the hospital
right after I leave her. They found out that Brenna suffered from leukemia and
that was too serious. “Sorry to say but she’s in great pain.” Doctor said. “We
don’t know how far she could live. Only miracle can save her.” That revelation
leads to them a great sadness. Brenna could probably die anytime.
Why you didn’t tell us about your condition?” asked Danielle. “I
don’t want to see any of you worried about me” she smiled. “You’re in pain.”
Danielle cried. “Why are you crying? I will not die.” She laughs. Danielle and
her brother just watch Brenna lying in bed. “I have good news for you” Danielle
said. Brenna looked at him and nothing to say.
“You and your best friend have passed the elimination! Only two of you
will proceed to the next stage. A bit strange but that’s what you want Brenna.
You must prepare you next song for you upcoming duet with Via” Danielle said.
“She still mad at me Danielle.” Brenna said. “No! She’s not. In fact she’s the
one who brought you here. She’s still care for you Brenna so don’t be sad,
we’re here for you.” Danielle insisted.
Next month will be said battle between Brenna and I and it’s good
because it only takes a week for Brenna to drive out of the hospital.
After one week, Brenna had fully recovered but the fact was she
would still die without her knowing. I’m not aware of it too.
Brenna tried her best to practice her piece and so with me. I’m
also excited to sing with her.
After the long preparation, the most awaited moment was finally
arrived. At the big coliseum stage was set, spotlights were on, and thousands
of people were waiting for me and Brenna. Everyone’s shrieking our names. That
ambiance made me feel so overwhelmed. That was the most awaited moment I ever
wanted. From a far I saw Brenna wearing her beautiful gown. A pink bided gown
with a long lace at the back. She looks stunning with her dress as if she had
no severe.
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen we’re about to start after five
minutes.” the emcee announced. We proceeded to the back stage. I saw Brenna
staring at me but I kept on ignoring her.
“Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a round of applause to Miss Via
Alcantara and Miss Brenna Fernandez” emcee shouted so loud. Crowds were screaming,
yelling for us. In the two opposite sides we entered on stage. Brenna and I
sang the song “CRY”. She was crying and I was trying to hold my tears. On that
moment I had shown my sincere forgiveness to her. I hold her hand and sing
together. Crowds continued to shout with joy. That was my ever dream. Right
after we finished the song Brenna hugs me tight and cried and cried. “Thank you
Via”. She said and just smile to her.
After an half hour the emcee was about to announced who won the
competition. We’re both stand at the center of the stage, smiling together and
we’re both happy whatever the result was, for us we’re both winners.
“And the winner in this sing and dance competition is no other than
Miss Brenna!” the emcee announced. I hug
Brenna and lift her hand up. The emcees get close to us and give the microphone
to Brenna. “I would like to take this opportunity to say sorry to my best
friend, she was been my enemy after I betrayed her in similar competition
before. That girl did everything for me to be in fame but I used to neglect
her. I want to thank her for being such a true best friend. After all I did to
her; she still loves me and forgives me. Do you want to know who is she? Brenna
asked the audience with joy. And the crowds shouted “Yes!” “She’s beside me
right now. She’s Via my real and loving Best friend.” She cried. Like she did
to me the last moment I’m with her. Could you mind sir, I would like to give my
award to Miss Via Alcantara.” She proclaimed. What she do was so amazing. That
was the most unforgettable moment in my life. I couldn't even say anything but
to cry. And she lifts my hand like what I did to her a while ago. The final and
the loudest shouts and screamed filled the whole stadium.
Out of the amazement of all people, that was strange moments that
reminds me very clear. Happiness in all people out there turned to a shocking
glimpse that stopped the real life journey of Brenna as she fell down to the
ground. That was the last day of her life being a great performer. She died
because of leukemia. She died with a smile to her face. The dull face of her
was totally gone and changed into a sweet and adorable girl. I almost remember what
happened to her. Beyond that situation I heard someone’s calling my name. “Via!
Via! Wake up! You’re dreaming again” my father woke me up from a saddest dream
I don’t want to forget. I will never forget Brenna, my best friend, my idol, my
sister. And I will never forget how we gave meaning to our song as we sang the
song “CRY”.
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God Bless:) |