"The Eyes of Men"
Why is it hard for the people to talk about spiritual aspect? People tend to talk about things such as jobs, work, money, service, relationship in the way the world sees it, but in contrast, people find it hard to collaborate it into spiritual way of living.
I want to focus on the theme of deep spiritual importance. it is my conviction that every person needs a fresh vision of God. Almost without realizing it, a spiritual myopia was afflicted to us; we are not seeing life clearly because we do not see God clearly. When someone asks you, "what is your dream?" most of us tend answer that in this way, "to have a good job, to earn money, to become a successful individual, to be a professional", all that ideas are for those self-centered person. All they want is just to be on that place, the way how they will get that is not clearly mention. Why? Because they have no clear definition of how life being processed. We have no idea why we live here, we only decide on what we wanted to be not on what the Lord wants us to be. Most of us always focusing on the worldly things we need.
I don't know why I'm writing this article but the Lord impress to me that a right perspective on God gives as a right perspective on everything else- life, work, money, service, relationship and so on.
As I've read in the book "Everyday with Jesus" a devotional book of Selwyn Hughes, there is no possibly greater vision of God sand His glory in the whole Bible (apart from John's encounter with the Almighty in the book of Revelation) than the vision recorded in Isaiah Chapter 6. I seek for it, and yet he is right. It is with this chapter that we are to be concerned. The thrilling vision of God that was given to Isaiah is to be the central focus of my writing. Isaiah came face to face with the living God and found that his whole life was transformed. That was the idea that I want you to realize. If we look at this world in the perspective of God, with His visions, it is possible for us to clearly see what the plan of God for us is . The way we live, the way we do our tasks, and the reason why we do such things will be upon Him us by His knowing.
I remember what my father always says every time he scolds me, "sabihin mo lang kung ,ag aaral ka pa o magtitira ka na lang sa simbahan na yan". Why is it that i need need to choose between my schooling and Praising God? The fact that I can do tha same way as one. As far as I know, by the time that I look at Jesus as Great and Holy, my perspective begun to change. I can't blame my father, because I still believe we knows what is best for me, but I keep on insisting that I study not just because they want me to do it and not just to uplift myself in my field and in my profession but rather I do this because this is the plan of God to me. I can study and I can serve Him as well so why do I need to choose?
I love what I'm doing because Jesus is with me.
Do I need to bother?
Definitely not.
He is the great provider.
The reason our problems seem overwhelming is because we
allow things of time to loom longer in our gaze than the things of eternity.
The tiniest of coins, when held close to the eyes, can blot out the sun.
It's just a matter of looking at a big picture out of a small thing we do.
Looking at it in the way Jesus want it to see.
Seeing him clearly will enable us to see all other things clearly.
Seeing him clearly will enable us to see all other things clearly.
Matthew 6;22-23
“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.
But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!